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  1. T

    Video request for benefits of top-down design

    Agreed. Top down design is a great method, but there are definitely pitfalls, especially in a production environment.
  2. T

    Redefining the plane a sketch is attached to

    SolidWorks has this capability also. Everyone will have to redefine a sketch plane at some point. What a pain to find out it's not as easily done as competitors, especially since you're likely to discover when you need to do it.
  3. T

    Alibre 2012 on Windows 10 64 bit

    Just got Windows 10 64 bit and find that I can't get Alibre 2012 to open. No errors, no nothing. Tried running in compatibility mode with no success. Any suggestions?
  4. T

    Where the hell has this come from?

    Got to be related to the new licensing scheme.
  5. T

    X-CAD Revealed as Alibre Design Xpress

    That's an excellent summary. Thanks. I will also say that some posts in the xpress forum that were removed have caused even more suspicion. I would advise against removing any posts unless they are truly indecent, vulgar or spam. Complaining should be allowed. You have the right to remove...
  6. T

    what happened?

    One thing that will help is that you must register to even look at the forums. That will filter a bunch of people out. My experience is that the more the better. As long as there are a few people willing to spend time to answer posts in a professional and polite manner, then new people will...
  7. T

    what happened?

    Plan on a significant surge once they announce who they are. They will hit 100,000 a week (or more) before Aug. 1 if they announce soon, imo. The real number of people registering will be less than half of the number of email registrations, imo. I'd guess that it will end up being <30,000...
  8. T

    what happened?

    My guess is this is Alibre. My guess is that it will be for the modeler only, no 2D stuff, no sheet-metal, no FEA, nothing like that. I think they are following Ironcad's Inovate philosophy. My guess is they will have at least some exporting (like Step and vrml). My guess is they know they...