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  1. B

    /3GB switch gives driver issue.

    I prefer Ben. Hello, Ralf. :) That is about physical address space, also called hardware address space. It has nothing to do with the /3GB switch. It has nothing to do with the virtual address space, which is the memory space the microprocessor presents to each running program. 32-bit...
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    /3GB switch gives driver issue.

    For the 32-bit versions, both Vista and XP behave nearly identical when it comes to memory management. Both have the 2/2 or 3/1 user/kernel memory split. Neither use PAE to increase physical address space. Both can loose physical address space (RAM) to other hardware. None of these limits...
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    /3GB switch gives driver issue.

    I am having trouble understanding you, but I believe you are mistaken. On the modern Intel i386 architecture, each running task has its own virtual address space. That address space is 4 GB. It is never more, never less. Windows divides each the virtual address space for each task into a...
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    /3GB switch gives driver issue.

    Alibre Design will not use more than 2 GB of RAM. (It's based on the MS-JVM, which does not support "large memory".) So the /3GB switch doesn't help Alibre, and may cost you performance for other reasons. (Giving 1 GiB more to user programs means the system has 1 GiB less for things like...
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    Is v11 going to be hamstrung by J#?

    Greetings all, I know that Alibre Design v10 and earlier are written with Microsoft's almost-Java platform, "J++". J++ programs like Alibre require the Microsoft Virtual Machine (MS-VM) to run. Development of the MS-VM stopped a long time ago, and it isn't supported at all anymore. That has...
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    Problem Opening Download w/VISTA

    Yah, Microsoft said that if the world wouldn't play the Java game their way, they would take their ball and go home. If you were a Microsoft customer using Microsoft's Java... well, too bad for you. Unfortunately, Alibre Inc was one such Microsoft customer. Alibre is written for MS-Java, not...
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    Printing problem

    Re: I've seen a different problem (outside Alibre) that had some similar behavior. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling your printer driver software. That's what fixed it here.
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    Alibre Buyer Beware

    Re: Disapointment with verbal agreement Demonstratively false. Linux, Firefox, OpenOffice, etc. Of particular note is PDFCreator (Free Software) which Alibre themselves distribute and use with Alibre Design. So I guess somebody should tell Alibre the days of that...
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    Alibre Buyer Beware

    Re: "Network License"???? That's what we use, here. We have four "network" license seats. They are "shared" between users -- I call them "floating licenses". We've got Alibre installed on ten different PCs, and up to four people can be using the software at one time...
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    Upper Memory Limit

    Re: Upper Memory Limit Alibre up through Version 10 is an MS Java program. The MS JVM is 32-bit only. As such, it is limited to 2 GB of process memory. (There's a way to use 3 GB per process under Win32, but it has drawbacks, requires a system boot...
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    MS Java will self-destruct in 5... 4...

    Re: Sorry for the late replies... Unfortunately, it is not that easy to fix the wetware in a larger company (we've got 120+ employees). I'm not so worried about Alibre as I am about the MS-JVM in general. To the best of my knowledge...
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    MS Java will self-destruct in 5... 4...

    Re: That would make me feel better, except that when we bought into Alibre back in 2005/2006, that was the same answer our sales rep gave us: That the dependence on the MSVM would be going away Real Soon Now. It's about two years...
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    MS Java will self-destruct in 5... 4...

    MS Java will self-destruct in 5... 4... All support for Microsoft's Java VM ends 31 Dec 2007. That's a couple weeks away. Once support ends, security fixes to Microsoft's Java VM will no longer be provided. As Microsoft is a popular target, it seems likely that this will...
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    Graphics Card

    Re: Well, that's certainly true -- *if* it really won't be used. If someone only uses Alibre, sure. But here where I work, we use Alibre, MasterCAM, AutoCAD, and ProgeCAD, and the list is only going to get longer. So we certainly have...
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    Graphics Card

    Re: Only thing I can find is this artcile: https://www.alibre.com/KnowledgeBase/Co ... ticleID=60 It lists two NVidia cards under "Reported Problems". One is a Quadro card, one is a GeForce card. It also lists quite a few NVidia...
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    Graphics Card

    Responding to multiple posts... Windows Vista is not limiting support for OpenGL. There *are* reports that the new "Aero Glass" UI theme has some sort of problem with OpenGL, but technical details are sketchy. Worst case, though, is that you loose some eye candy on the window decorations...
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    SP1 installation woes

    Re: SP1 installation woes I haven't gotten around to downloading 9.0 SP1 yet (going to try this evening), but in general, I usually avoid "in program updates" if there is another option. In the case of Alibre Design, I download the full install package via...
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    SUN Java Desktop

    Re: Well, D3D has certainly made progress, that is true. I just look back and say, wouldn't it have been nicer to go with an established standard that was already stable at the time (OpenGL), rather than the at-the-time very immature...
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    SUN Java Desktop

    Re: Yah, and frankly, the use of DirectX has caused problems for Alibre Inc and users alike. DX was designed for gaming (speed), not CAD (precision and robustness), and it shows. Blech. Things have gotten better with DX9, but it...
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    SUN Java Desktop

    Re: SUN Java Desktop Alibre makes use of Microsoft's almost-Java, which is not really Java. One of the design goals of Microsoft's almost-Java is to prevent anything that uses it from running on a non-Microsoft platform. (Alibre Inc is but one of...