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  1. T

    “Big name” Alibre users

    The front page says “Alibre Design powers engineering projects for some of the best organizations in the world.” with a list of logos. I do wonder what NASA or Mitsubishi use Alibre for. They definitely can afford the best packages on the market so I am really curious about this. You can see...
  2. T

    2D drawings with modified cosmetic threads

    I have quite a few parts that have cosmetic external threads that have a section removed by a revolved cut to make reliefs. The 3D models looks perfect but the drawing are incorrect: the removed portion of the thread is still present, in fact the cosmetic lines show the full thread with the...
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    How to make a minimal removed section view

    Before purchasing Alibre I noticed on the website that it can do removed section a a minimal way: However I am unable to produce such views. The documentation doesn’t give any insight to do something different than illustrated. However, @albie0803 seemed to have succeeded 3 years ago...
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    How to remove spacing after prefix in 2D drawing dimensions?

    As far as I know, Alibre can’t dimension threads like the picture below (I can’t post links or pictures for some reason) so instead I create linear dimensions and add “M” as a prefix to indicate it’s a metric thread. However, there is a space between the prefix and the value. Also, when...