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  1. C

    Accessing Meta Data

    I think we all just want to be able to access any data that is in the metadata and be able to use it in any document (drawing file, BOM, spreadsheet, etc...). After all that is the beauty of databases - You shouldn't have to re-enter data over and over again!
  2. C

    Accessing Meta Data

    Thanks for the replies. Alibre is really missing the boat on this one IMO. I know Solidworks can do this with their PDM. They are not using m-files to its full potential! Hopefully they will remedy this soon.
  3. C

    Accessing Meta Data

    So far I have had a positive experience with the Vault (M-files) system (with the exception of transfering data from the repository system). It has taken some effort to educate myself on the processes used but it is starting to pay off. However, I am finding a serious shortcoming. I have...
  4. C

    NEW v12 preview vid

    So whats the latest word on V12? Any idea when its going to be released?
  5. C

    Vault 5.0 better?

    Thanks for the info. Does 4.0 need to be removed before installing 5.0 or can you just install over 4.0?
  6. C

    Vault 5.0 better?

    What's new and improved in Vault 5.0 besides being compatible with XP 64?
  7. C

    Vault Open Dialog defaults to Strange Directory

    Yea, I get the same thing. If you use search it will find any file in the vault otherwise click on M-Files icon on the left. I wish it had the tree structure to the left and the preview window like on the old repository. Maybe it will in version 5.
  8. C

    Importing troubles ... need help

    Thanks guys, Jordan I was able to import the igs files you created. This will work just fine! Thanks. Dan, thanks for trying. Is it normal that interferences will cause an import to fail? Has anyone come across a free conversion program, say from step to sat or igs or vise versa...
  9. C

    Importing troubles ... need help

    Thanks for the reply david, Unfortunately, your suggestion does not work for the specific files I'm trying to import. I've tried a bunch of different import settings and none seem to work. I'll try downloading again from Hoffman . I wonder if the zip process has corrupted the step file?
  10. C

    Importing troubles ... need help

    Importing troubles ... need help I have downloaded step (.stp) files from Hoffman, a manufacturer of electrical enclosures. When I try to import them thru Alibre I get an error message. I was wondering if anyone here might be able to try to import them or if anyone...
  11. C

    Problems with 3D PDF Publishing??

    Re: I am actually using Adobe pdf printer driver currently because PDFCreator is not working. However, I found that PDFCreator was making better PDFs. Also, I like the features you can do with PDFCreator that my Adobe software...
  12. C

    Problems with 3D PDF Publishing??

    Specifically, the problem I am having is: When I want to print a drawing to PDF, I click on the PDF Icon on the toolbar from within the drawing window, I then go thru the pop up screens for creating the PDF. After I complete that Alibre (or PDFCreate from within Alibre) tries to create the PDF...
  13. C

    how do i locate holes using the hole tool?

    Re: My technique: Select the surface to contain hole(s), select hole tool. It places 1 node where you clicked. Click repeatedly in aproximate areas where you want more holes to place more nodes. Then click on the select icon on...
  14. C

    Problems with 3D PDF Publishing??

    I had the same problem today. PDFCreator stopped working. :x It was fine before today. I reinstalled it but it still doesn't work. Sent error messages to Alibre. Hopefully they will have an answer for us soon!
  15. C

    For Sale V10

    Re: The biggest reason I can think of is that they want you to buy a new license--- More sales for Alibre and Microsoft, etc... :idea: Not too fare to the end user who wants to sell though. Their investment now becomes worthless...
  16. C

    For Sale V10

    Re: EULA disallows license transfer :shock: WHY THE CHANGE IN POLICY :?: :?: :?:
  17. C

    View orientation query.

    Oh, I found it :oops: In sketch mode: Sketch, Insert, Point...
  18. C

    Window sizing

    Re: Ya, who wants to pay for software to get Alibre's windows to act like every other program's windows normally do! :evil: What the $%^& is Alibre waiting for on this one? This should be extremely easy to correct! :twisted:
  19. C

    View orientation query.

    Re: Yaa.... I figured out the Axis normal to point but how did Miles get the point inside the sketch? I can only place points outside of sketch mode. Checked help but found no way to do this. :?:
  20. C

    V10 - Repository search is awesome!

    Re: V10 - Repository search is awesome! Just discovered that Alibre has something like this already. If you right-click on an item in the search results window there is a "Show in repository" command that will find the part in the rerpository for you. Very cool!