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  1. schenman

    Alibre is misbehaving

    I opened the file and was able to change it to any value.
  2. schenman

    Loss of all custom keyboard shortcuts

    Thanks. I will add them back via the System Options. I wish there was a file with aliases such as in some printed circuit board software such as Allegro.
  3. schenman

    Loss of all custom keyboard shortcuts

    Where are the custom keyboard shortcuts stored. I lost them all and don't know how to restore them. Thanks for any help.
  4. schenman

    Can't create catalog feature from revolve part.

    I know that a catalog feature could only have one sketch so I thought that I would create a revolve part that only has one sketch to reuse when drawing PVC pipe fittings.
  5. schenman

    Can't create catalog feature from revolve part.

    I am trying to create a catalog feature from the the attached. I thought it would work since I used only one sketch but it won't. Thanks for any help.
  6. schenman

    Too Tall Toby Leaderboard

    Great interview
  7. schenman

    Toolbox - Excellent start - but some room for improvement?

    I think it is necessary to save the newly created Tool Box part because it is unique. For example, I am designing a new bathroom and I am modeling it in Alibre and I am using different pipe lengths. I want each pipe size in the BOM to be used to cut the pipes. Here is a jpg of part explorer with...
  8. schenman

    Chain Select

    OK, now that we have the version straightened out, for "Chain Select", you must first select or rather put the cursor on a segment then Right-Click and you will see "Chain Select". For paint, hold down the ALT key and use the LMB to do it. Hope this helps,
  9. schenman

    Chain Select

    "Paint and Chain" were introduced in v27. Your signature says v26.
  10. schenman

    How to create Regular Polygons that are parameter driven.

    Very good. Thanks for that Windows 10 tip on inserting symbols too.
  11. schenman

    Remove Constraints should not be the default for Replace Components in Assembly

    But the way it currently is, there will be no warnings about broken constraints because there will be no broken constraints. They simply disappear while you continue to work on other things. You might replace a piece of lumber with a longer piece and the constraints before the replacement would...
  12. schenman

    Remove Constraints should not be the default for Replace Components in Assembly

    The elegant Replace Components tool in Assembly is a timesaver but it is also a potential time waster if one forgets to uncheck the Remove Constraints. You might have a situation where many parts are constrained to a certain part and you replace that part and everything that was constrained to...
  13. schenman

    Assembly Group & Rearrange Parts In Assembly Tree

    I have a project where I am adding a new toilet on the second and third floor and created a sub-assembly for the new toilet inside the main assembly then deleted the rest of the parts on a copy of the main assembly and saved the sub-assembly as NEW_TOILET_ASSY. I then deleted the new toilet...
  14. schenman

    I can't see how to arrive at a fully defined design.

    I projected the face of the feature to the sketch and deleted the original sketch and defined the projected sketch. It is now fully defined. The original has lots of points on it that I couldn't delete. A copy of the design is attached. Regards
  15. schenman

    Assembly Group & Rearrange Parts In Assembly Tree

    The Dissolve does exactly that.
  16. schenman

    Assembly Group & Rearrange Parts In Assembly Tree

    There is the option to Dissolve the Group which removes the parts from the Group and put them back into Part Explorer.
  17. schenman

    Assembly Group & Rearrange Parts In Assembly Tree

    The odds of anyone wanting to delete a Group with all the parts in it aren't good. I would like it to be like the parent/child relationship between a sketch and its feature where you can't delete the sketch before you delete the feature.
  18. schenman

    Assembly Group & Rearrange Parts In Assembly Tree

    I don't get that large font with groups.
  19. schenman

    Assembly Group & Rearrange Parts In Assembly Tree

    Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 1:04:10 PM Alibre Design™ Expert Version: V27 64-bit [Build 27038] This can be very problematic as a Group can be accidentally deleted and all the parts under it will be deleted from the assembly. The Group should be made undeletable when it contains any part...