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  1. swertel

    Alibre's YouTube Phenomenon

    Anyone else enjoying the fact that Alibre has started creating regular content on their YouTube channel? https://www.youtube.com/@AlibreLLC
  2. swertel

    Refile / Open-Save / Update Version

    With respect to the number of posts talking about slow performance with v2019. In my past experience with other CAD systems, a lot of the initial lag or performance that is noticed when upgrading to new versions is the background tasks of converting the old file format to the new file format...
  3. swertel

    Can't Install v2019 - Resolved

    The first error. This error exists because the folder already exists. If I manually delete that folder, installation will progress to the next error. I canceled the installation. To my surprise, the rollback was not successful. The previous version of Alibre was removed, so I couldn't run...
  4. swertel

    Alibre 2018 Exercise Manual

    Has anyone visited the downloads section? There is a 209 page exercise manual there (a pdf of a Powerpoint). WOW! https://www.alibre.com/AlibreDownloads/AlibreDesignExerciseManual.pdf
  5. swertel

    will.i.am is now Chief Creative Officer of DDD?

    http://www.3dsystems.com/press-releases ... ve-officer HA! I'd like the to see the job description and how his resume fits that title. If the people driving the helm of 3D Systems actually thinks this is a good move, then I know where my maintenance money is going to stay -- in my pocket...
  6. swertel

    Anyone else not know about this?

    You would think, with all the questions current users have about the future of Geomagic Design, that we would have gotten an email notice to join this webinar. For anyone else who hasn't seen this, the replay is available on youtube. http://youtu.be/QrGhgjrLPlc
  7. swertel

    Where's the beef?

    How many of you remember that commercial? Although the pdf file showing What's New in Geomagic Design is 60 pages long, it feels empty. I'm pretty sure that I have received several emails from feedback.alibre.com that my voted-for suggestions were going to be implemented in the next release...
  8. swertel

    DS releases CGM to Spatial

    So Dassault has released its CGM kernel to Spatial so they can license it to other vendors. http://www.spatial.com/news/spatial-int ... plications So long ACIS, Hello Alibre v6! (Now I have to go and redo all my votes on the feedback page to get this one on the board.)
  9. swertel

    Alibre selects PR "Agency of Record"

    Read the article at Vektorrum. http://vektorrum.com/2010/05/10/cad-ven ... %E2%80%9D/
  10. swertel

    Alibre vs. Solid Edge (for Alexander)

    From the Roll Call thread, Alexander requested I highlight comparisons between Alibre Design and Solid Edge. I was originally going to start this post listing all the caveats to my comparison because I never want these comparisons to spiral into a my-cad-is-better-than-your-cad squabble, which...
  11. swertel

    Roll Call

    This is just a little fun here to build some community between Alibre members. I have been a member of this board since its inception. During the beginning, I was very vocal here and because of it am 1 of the 10 members that has over 1000 posts. I have seen many members come and go; many of...
  12. swertel

    Paul Grayson on "The Cloud" Interview

    From Deelip's blog where Deelip "interviewed" our CEO. http://www.deelip.com/?p=1610
  13. swertel

    New from Alibre

    Weird that I have to go to a blogger to get information regarding Alibre. http://www.deelip.com/?p=1121
  14. swertel

    Google Wave Invites

    I have a few available. PM me with your deets if you want one. I'd like to try to get an Alibre wave started.
  15. swertel

    Alibre LinkedIn Group

    I just joined it. Didn't even realize there was one until I saw another Alibre user a couple levels outside of my network as a member. Thought other LinkedIn members may want to know it exists.
  16. swertel

    64-bit Version

    Well, as Windows 7 has hit the shelves and 64-bit hardware has become the standard, I think it is time that Alibre focus on making a 64-bit version of Alibre Design. It sure would be nice to transition my workstation to a complete 64-bit machine with 64-bit apps. Although Alibre did a great...
  17. swertel

    Algor Design Check

    Now that Algor is owned by AutoDesk and being integrated (at least structurally if not technologically) into Inventor, can we have another FEA package for Alibre? Even with all the noise about its pending sale, I vote for MSC. By bringing in MSC, there's a good chance we'll not only get FEA...
  18. swertel

    PDF Creator - is crap?

    I don't use PDF Creator very often, but since I can get it through Alibre that's the one I have installed (as opposed to plenty of other affordable PDF writers out there). I have a client that I now pdf every drawing to because they only have limited seats of Alibre installed and a pdf is what...
  19. swertel

    Set polygon size within dialog

    This tags on to the back end of my flag note request. (If I get flagnotes, I won't need this request.) I would like to be able to input the circumscribed or inscribed diameter of the polygon within the polygon dialog box. This is especially useful in drawings when I'm using the polygon tool...
  20. swertel

    Create flagnotes on drawings

    What a pain in the rear end. In other CAD packages, I use the balloon feature to create flagnotes on my drawings. The balloon feature allows for symbols other than circles to be used: hexagons, triangles, ovals, etc. In a part drawing, the balloon feature of Alibre is not even available and...