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2006 Product of the Year


Alibre Super User
2006 Product of the Year

Rarely do I get around to reading MCAD cafe, but I was bored today and happened across this free-for-all.

http://www10.mcadcafe.com/nbc/articles/ ... eid=299505

It's time to make Alibre Design / Alibre Design Express more well known. Considering that we are able to nominate what we want, and not just pick from a list, it's time to make sure our favorite programs are listed so we aren't forced to pick someone else's. I just hate seeing the surveys where I get to pick one out of ten, and the one I want isn't listed. Let's get Alibre listed!



Great catch swertel. I put my 2 cents in.

Hopefully all the free publicity/marketing for Alibre will translate to even more enhancements into an already great CAD tool.