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8.2 Service Patch 2 - What did it fix?


Senior Member
8.2 Service Patch 2 - What did it fix?

I downloaded the patch today. Is there a list of stuff fixed or would anyone know?



Alibre Super User

From the ReadMe:

-Fixed memory leak issues

-Fixed a problem with the latest 3dConnexion controller driver

-Easier installation, including locale selection during installation

-Permit running the product with a generic license

The memory leak fix is very good news :)



I D/Loaded it at the office with DSL and it went...less than quick.
I have dialup at home. Is there a link where I can D/L the update and burn it to CD to take home......??

dan k


Senior Member

I would think that the download link for alibre that you get to by logging into your account on their site contains the most updated version of the entire program. You could download at work and take it home with you.


Alibre Super User

I think he was refering to the new install download. If it is the current version with update included it will work but it is like reinstalling software.



Back on the original topic..."what did the patch fix"...it was stated

From the ReadMe:

-Fixed memory leak issues

-Fixed a problem with the latest 3dConnexion controller driver

-Easier installation, including locale selection during installation

-Permit running the product with a generic license

The memory leak fix is very good news

I have had issues with the memory leak...it doesn't seem to have helped my problem much...I've seen a little bit of improvement...but nothing to make me go "Wow!". Personally, I think this update has been an utter joke. Software companies do this kind of thing all the time....bait you with bread, promise steak, and give you bologna. Until they fix their 2D problems, Alibre will always have a long way to go in my eyes. I sincerely hope that the new version, coming out in Jan. I'm told, will be up to par.


EDIT: No one said it was an "upgrade". Regardless of what you call it, it does not seem to have helped the problem any...that is my whole concern.


Alibre Super User

We all need to keep the record straight. It's a servicepack, not an upgrade!

V9 is the upgrade and it's not to far away I've heard :)


Senior Member

Perhaps your problem is not Alibre's?

From my own personal experience, the memory leak would go on and on until Alibre was using close to 750MB and would necessitate a restart.

Now, I've checked it for three days. When started, its around 200MB and at the end of the day without restarting the memory allocation was around 225MB! Not bad at all in my opinion.

As far as Alibre's improvements and whatnot, let's see, we have a totally new version due in January (seems to be well within the 18 month product cycle used by most in the CAD industry) and we've had three service packs and a point release that covered the following....

8.0 Service Pack 1 - December 2004
Important enhancements

* Direct import of Rhino 3DM files now supported
* Enhanced curve smoothness for sketch curves
* Improved interactions with models containing partial spherical surfaces (zoom level, rotation point locations, graphics display)

Usability Improvements

* Easier selection of the current field inside Edit Text Fields and Fill In Text dialogs --use arrow up/down to select tag field; use the Tab key to move to the text entry box
* Easier insertion of dimensions involving two sketch figures (dimension text no longer obscures the second selection)
* Measurement Tool improvements: click Work Area to clear all selected items in list
* Remove items from list boxes using the Delete key

Drawing Improvements and Fixes

* Drawing dimensions dissociated from model geometry are now moved to layer named "DISSOCIATED" and displayed in red
* Improved performance while projecting views in 2D drawings (fix for projecting bounded curves to plane)
* Improved cosmetic thread representations for patterned and mirrored holes
* Corrected Between Points values in feature control frame annotation upon reopening drawings
* Corrected drawing annotation default font size specification for new annotations
* Drawings created in older versions of Alibre Design now print with the correct border line thickness

Updated Add-ons now available

* ALGOR DesignCheck add-on for Alibre Design Professional and Expert
* SprutCAM 4.0 add-on for Alibre Design Expert

8.2 Released - May 2005

* 5x performance improvement for parts and assemblies
* User interface improvements for common tasks including a toolbar for controlling the visibility of reference geometry, markup and sketches

Display Enhancements

* Support for gradient backgrounds
* Improved line anti-aliasing
* Fully customizable color schemes
* Customizable edge color independent of face color
* Display acceleration options for faster view manipulation
* Option to suppress the display of silhouette edges in wireframe mode
* Option to show constraint symbols in a larger size

Drawing Enhancements

* Share drawings for print and markup without sharing the 3D model
* Option to not re-project drawing on open
* Support for new drawing view type: Partial
* Create Partial & Detail views using multiple figures for more complex boundaries (e.g. rectangles, half-circles)
* Create aligned Auxiliary views from sketch lines

Additional Improvements

* Store commonly used hole feature settings as catalog features
* New editable Material Density table
* Support for creation of ISO-style simplified threads (¾ Circle hole simplified thread indicator)
* New Show Constituents tool for files stored in the Windows file system: locate parts and assemblies used in assembly and drawings files
* Option to insert a Desktop or Quick Launch toolbar icon upon installation
* Support for the insertion of a plane at the end of a spline
* Double-click part, assembly or drawing file in Windows file system to open file in Alibre Design

8.2 Service Pack 1 - August 2005

Alibre Design 8.2 SP1 includes a number of fixes, complete details will be available in the ReadMe.txt file in the application and on the Alibre web site in the Support area.

That's all I have. It appears to be a bug fix service pack which makes sense after the transitions to DirectX 9.0c in 8.2

8.2 Service Pack 2 - November 2005

Effective for all versions of Alibre Design, the licensing policy has been revised in Version 8.2 Service Pack 2 to streamline the installation process. All installations will default to Alibre Design Xpress until such time the user enters the required license key to enable their purchased product version, i.e. Basic, Standard, Professional, Expert.
Other Improvements

* Internet connection is no longer required
* No advertising pane in Alibre Design Xpress workspaces
* Improved memory resource management
* Upgrades for ALGOR DesignCheck, Machinist Toolbox and SprutCAM Add-Ons for Alibre Design Professional and Alibre Design Expert
* Enhanced support for 3DdConnexion motion controllers driver

That seems like a lot of good stuff and improvements over the last version cycle. Alibre could have held off on this service pack and just rolled it out with v9, but they chose to do it now and I applaud them for it.

As with anything, though, this is merely my opinion.



Senior Member

....done in by too many word!....post continues...
8.2 Service Pack 2 Released - November 2005
Effective for all versions of Alibre Design, the licensing policy has been revised in Version 8.2 Service Pack 2 to streamline the installation process. All installations will default to Alibre Design Xpress until such time the user enters the required license key to enable their purchased product version, i.e. Basic, Standard, Professional, Expert.
Other Improvements

* Internet connection is no longer required
* No advertising pane in Alibre Design Xpress workspaces
* Improved memory resource management
* Upgrades for ALGOR DesignCheck, Machinist Toolbox and SprutCAM Add-Ons for Alibre Design Professional and Alibre Design Expert
* Enhanced support for 3DdConnexion motion controllers driver

It seems Alibre has been quite busy over the last version cycle. Of course, that's just my opinion. I, too, think that 2D drafting needs much improvement, but, then again, I knew that when I purchased the software! I'm looking forward to v9. The promised 2D enhancements are tied up in v9 as far as I understood it. I appreciate the memory leak fix as I mentioned earlier. Looking forward to working out v9!




Perhaps your problem is not Alibre's?

Well, I'm not a computer "tech" when it comes to memory and such. I frankly don't know what a memory "leak" actually is, nor do I care.

I just want the software to work "as advertised". I know that lots of folks are having a problem with this, they just either don't post about it, or don't do drawings very much? I don't know.

I downloaded a program called RamCleaner...all I can tell you it did was show a little icon down in the corner that said either "low", "high", or "cr" (for critical). When I try to generate drawings of about 4 different assemblies, as soon as it begins to generate the view it goes to "cr", and stays there until I exit out of Alibre. In a previous thread, seemed like everyone was having problems with dwgs., now they just seemed to have magically disappeared.

I have downloaded all my correct, and updated drivers. I'm using a compatible, suggested card. I have more than enough memory in both the RAM and in the VRAM. I'm not running any programs concurrently...even though I should be able to. I even went as far as to turn off all the fancy XP "eye candy", so the system will run smoother. So no, I don't think the problem is mine, it is the software.

Look, I'm not here to "bitch and moan" about this software. I have a job to do, and that is to evaluate Alibre and look at all it's aspects. Alibre has nailed the solid modeling portion in my opinion. For the exception of just a few items, it is great. But it has failed miserably in the 2D portion, and in how it handles its files, etc. So I truly hope that they fix some problems.



Senior Member

Ah...ok. Two different issues.

A memory leak is when the software continues to address more and more memory without "cleaning up after itself" i.e. indicating that a particular spot in memory is no longer needed and free to be used for something else. Therefore, over time, the software uses up your available memory resources and starts slowing down as it has to use the harddrive for storage and this is VERY slow. This issue has apparently been fixed in this service pack.

This is different than the 2D drawing issue. 2D drawings take a very long time to generate. I wouldn't think of trying to launch 4 conversions at once (if that is what you are doing, it wasn't 100% clear). I agree with you that this needs fixed/improved.

As far as your widget application. I'm not sure what it is doing as launching a conversion does not use up a lot of memory but it DOES involve a lot of CPU intensive calculations. My CPU spikes to 100% and stays there for quite some time while it is working.

Just to reitirate. The memory leak fix does not affect the 2D drawing issue s that you have, which is why you haven't seen any improvement! As I understand it, the 2D drawing enhancements for importing and generation are coming in v9.

As an aside, no other MCAD product that I have tried (Solidworks, Inventor, Solid Edge, Mechanical Desktop) have acceptable 2D packages. Also their speed on drawing generation did not endear me then (though admittedly that was some time ago).

I hope this clears up my thoughts. My comments weren't neccessarily directed at you personally, though I did reference your concerns.

I certainly feel that your thoughts on the 2D drafting part are spot on. If Alibre can nail down this aspect (I again suggest implementing part of the IntelliCAD kernel) of the software, combined with the eventual release of Intranet repositories (in process but may not be ready for v9). Alibre will be a fine package and a supremely awesome value for the money.

My WAY more than $.02 :)




I hope this clears up my thoughts. My comments weren't neccessarily directed at you personally, though I did reference your concerns.

Not taken personally at all...in fact, your explanation of the memory leak makes perfect sense...too bad AD couldn't explain it as well! :wink:

I do think there are a few people on the forum here that are, well, "fanboys" of AD...in other words, Alibre is perfect in their eyes.

I haven't had the slow 2D problem in Inventor. I took the same exact assembly I was having major problems with in AD, and it worked great in Inventor 6...and now I've used 10...which is even better.

We are in complete agreement on the fact if they would just make some solid improvements, it would be a much better and more attractive software package. They seriuosly need to fix the speed of the view generation in the 2D package.

Thanks for you comments, Jim, they were indeed helpful.


PS And just so no one thinks I'm an Inventor "fanboy"...Rel. 10's 2D package will still not let you sketch. You can only generate centerlines, dims, and notes. It will not sketch like AD will, which is one of the things I think AD does better!