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A comment: the SolidWorks learning curve ad


Senior Member

How about a show of hands from all the people in this post that have experience with both Alibre and SW?

I am not defending SW, but the learning curve with SW is by no means difficult.

There are a lot more options available in SW, this does not make the learning curve any more difficult for SW if you match feature for feature between the two programs.

It is a funny ad though



Alibre Super User


I, personally, wasn't really making any serious points about the software itself.

I've some experience of the Part Modeller from Solidworks 98 Plus - it's changed quite a bit since then, though....


New Solid Works ad.

I posted an in the ad in the binaries that Solid Works sent me by e-mail. Kind of reminds when someone first told about "alt control delete" over a decade ago and jokingly telling me how pushing it can fix all the problems in the world.



I use both Solidworks and Alibre. Both of them are very intuitive and easy to get started with. If you limited Solidworks to the same functionality as Alibre, there would not be much difference in the learning curve. JMO



I have used Alibre for the last 4 1/2 years and I really like the program but I had to go to Solidworks for the simple reason that Alibre was to slow and bogged down on large complicated assemblies.
I see no difference in the learning curve for either Alibre or Solidworks except that Solidworks has more functionality and so it does take longer to learn all the ins and outs.
I have talked to some people that I trust at Alibre and I understand that they are going to get away from the Java script in Version 10 and that will be a good thing. When they do that, they will be on a closer playing field with Solidworks, Solidedge and Wildfire.
My company is involved in a number of very complicated projects and we have to be able to meet Clients deadlines. That was the reason for the switch from Alibre.
I will say that I still have three seats of Alibre and I know that I will keep at least one of them active because just as Alibre handles some tasks easier than Solidworks, the opposite is also true.
Jim Reynolds
Reynolds Design


Alibre Super User


Do you expect a big improvement in speed with version 10? I am in a similar situation. I can't stick with Alibre for the long haul if the speed is not there.


Senior Member

I am going to check out Solidworks next week for the same reason. I have a big project coming and the performance when dealing with a fairly large (not even real big) assembly will kill me. I am sure Alibre will eventually catch up in this area, but who can afford to wait when you have to deal with these issues now?



Alibre Super User

From what I have read they are working on the size issue (and of course that will help speed ) and they are working on the 2D speed issue.

When that will be ready though is anyones guess.



When I clicked on the web site I got animation with the curve ending up being curved to the left a pixel or two. To me, that means I actually am damaged by trying to learn how to use SW!