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A few things for the next version


Staff member
We will not be doing anything surfacing related in this release. We are doing a few things outside the drawing workspace, but they are "quality of life" improvements - the stuff people say "why haven't you fixed this in ___ years?" For example having external cosmetic threads you can pick from, cleaning up and making consistent several GUI elements, Equation editor enhancements, etc. The real hardcore improvements in this release are in 2D and a surprise or two in sheet metal which we will discuss later.


PS - I don't want this thread to turn into a big Q and A regarding the feature set for the next release, especially as it may relate to very specific enhancements. They are valid questions and if I were in you all's position I would be asking as well and I don't blame you. But, we will release new info when we are ready to do so, so please don't expect too much more detail about the release at this time in this thread. Thanks!

PPS - this release is going to be freaking awesome. :lol:

Andrew Roth

Senior Member
Awsome as in I'll be able to print a 3D view on a canon printer again???
That would be awsome for me. was broke in v 2011,worked fine in v12 and previous. 2 years of elevated to development.


Staff member
Cosmetic threads you can pick from --- sounds interesting. Looking forward to learning more about this when the information is available. Tidying up and improving the equation editor will be also be a boon.


Senior Member
Max said:
The real hardcore improvements in this release are in 2D and a surprise or two in sheet metal which we will discuss later.


PPS - this release is going to be freaking awesome. :lol:

O boy we are finally get sketch bend like the big boys in solidworks do and a nice trim feature :wink:


steveastro said:

Could you please elaborate? I want to be sure I know what you are referring to.


Alibre Super User
Printer Defaults :evil: let me elaborate!

I open alibre and select to create a new drawing. In the pop-up box I select A3 landscape from the blank sheet dropdown, click ok and drop a drawing on it. When I select print, and just click ok, I first get a Paper too small dialog box and the sheet prints out in A4 portrait.

So, alibre is not properly reporting the selected paper size or orientation to the printer for automatic selection. This function worked correctly in v11 but has been broken since. As I don't want to set my standard default paper to A3, for every print I have to go into properties and set A3, landscape, OK, tick Scale to fit and then OK, rather than just hitting OK and having it WORK!

I was very disappointed that this was not fixed in the latest version and now fully expect it to be so, please, in the coming release.

--End of rant-- :D


Alibre Super User
Have you tried saving as pdf and printing that? That's how I do all my printing, no hassles...


Senior Member
I have the same problem and I print to pdf all the time. As albie0803 stated it was working great a few years ago. My default paper size is "A" (8.5 x 11) and it works the way it should. If I need to print to a "B" or "C" size sheet I have to manual configure Adobe to print to that size paper. When it work a few years ago all I had to do was click print then selrct Adobe pdf and it automatically printed to the paper size that was used in Alibre.



Alibre Super User
bigseb said:
Have you tried saving as pdf and printing that? That's how I do all my printing, no hassles...

I do this for my final electronic copies, but I still have to tick the scale box, and then I print off them for the hardcopy but on intermediate prints I have to go through the whole rigmarole.

And anyway, this is a work around, not a fix, which is what we need. :D


Senior Member
sz0k30 said:
This teaser was put out quite a while ago. How about an update?

When I posted that message I was hoping to hear from Max or someone on the support team and not turn this into a problem update.


Staff member
We are currently considering Alibre Design 2013 feature-complete. This means that we have moved on from adding new features to focusing on stability and bug fixes. In this release, we are taking a hard look at many older bugs and making them a priority in addition to the normal bug fixing associated with any release.

This release will take longer than most have in the past. We recognize that there is a lot of anticipation about what will be in it and we will begin to communicate that more thoroughly not too far from now, in addition to a more fully fleshed out release time. So, given that extended timeline, we're waiting just a little longer before showing off the cool stuff that's in it.

Stay tuned - we haven't forgotten.


Max said:
We are currently considering Alibre Design 2013 feature-complete. This means that we have moved on from adding new features to focusing on stability and bug fixes. In this release, we are taking a hard look at many older bugs and making them a priority in addition to the normal bug fixing associated with any release.

Late, but not too late. Have good success in going this way!



Why do you need one? From a user perspective, dealing with performance, AA is a serious resource hog.

If they are using Direct X, this should be 100% offloaded to the video card. I have done some c++ programming with Directx and its pretty simple to add AA. There are probably other circumstances that make it much more difficult in AD, but I would think this would. I find it much easier on my eyes! I believe that it also makes the product look more professional.


Staff member
AA is not "hard" but is time consuming given our architecture. It requires rearchtiecting a few areas of code. As a result we have focused effort on functional improvements, but this is on the list. AA resource requirements, especially only 4x for example, is well within the bounds of any video card in the last few generations.

I will not promise anything but if I was a betting man this is happening after the next release. :) Totally agree on the polish and professional appearance it gives.
Max said:
We are currently considering Alibre Design 2013 feature-complete. This means that we have moved on from adding new features to focusing on stability and bug fixes. In this release, we are taking a hard look at many older bugs and making them a priority in addition to the normal bug fixing associated with any release.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D !


AA is not "hard" but is time consuming given our architecture. It requires rearchtiecting a few areas of code. As a result we have focused effort on functional improvements, but this is on the list. AA resource requirements, especially only 4x for example, is well within the bounds of any video card in the last few generations.

I will not promise anything but if I was a betting man this is happening after the next release. :) Totally agree on the polish and professional appearance it gives.

Thanks for the update!