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Alibre low cost version


Alibre Super User
Has the filet-mirror function been upgraded? Often, when I try to mirror a filet or a chamfer, my existing copy of Alibre just can't handle it.
Still cannot mirror a fillet in Alibre Design so its more than likely also true in Atom3d, status message states that "the feature cannot be mirrored alone". :(

Simon W

I'm tempted to instal the trial version to determine if upgrading is worthwhile, but I'm a bit worried about installing it on a PC that already has a fully functioning version of Cubify.

Would it be safe to do this or will the trial attempt to overwrite the existing version?

Also, the price with 1 year of updates is $249, and it is $199 without updates.
Can I assume ongoing 'maintenance' would be $50 a year? Or, is there only the option for the first year of updates and then after that first year you're on your own?



Staff member
You can't have 2 different versions of 'Alibre' installed - that would include any Geomagic variants.

Juts to clarify - updates is not the same thing as maintenance.


Senior Member
If you have a second laptop, even a lower powered one, it can probably run the trial version. If so, maybe install it to there so that it doesn't affect your main version of Cubify?

Simon W

You can't have 2 different versions of 'Alibre' installed - that would include any Geomagic variants.
Bugga. Thanks David.
If you have a second laptop, even a lower powered one, it can probably run the trial version. If so, maybe install it to there so that it doesn't affect your main version of Cubify?
Cheers for the reply, unfortunately I only have one.


missing circular arc - start, end, radius and elliptical arc

We're going to test it out, potentially add these in later.

I gave Atom3D a spin and confirmed that the circular arc - start, end, radius feature is quite essential to the modelling work. I base the models I make on existing drawings like the one below, which are scaled to the right size in the 2D Workspace.


I then draw "on top" of these drawings to get the right dimensions for my 3D models, resulting in something like this.


As you can see, these type of drawings have several arcs to be measured, to find the the dimensions and to give the model the right appearance. I have checked with fellow modelers (not only model trains) to see if they have a similar workflow and they confirmed that this option is quite essential in 2D/3D modelling software.

Could the circular arc - start, end, radius feature be added to the 2D and 3D workspaces again?


Alibre Super User
The one thing that stands out for me, from the Mintronics chart, is the lack of any spline tool. To have lofting but no spline seems strange... Of course, the chart could be wrong.... Perhaps someone could confirm this?

I agree that it would be better to add the Start End Radius arc tool and lose the Tangent one.

Apart from that it all makes sense. At $200 it's incredible value.....

Edit: Spline tool is in the Alibre Atom video. Phew.....
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Staff member
It seems that for arc variants we are looking mainly at convenience, rather than 'essentials' - you can add sketch constraints after initially placing an arc to force it tangent with, or start/end at, any desired feature. So whilst one or another arc tool might be preferred by a particular user, the required functionality can be produced with the available tools - it might be slower, but it doesn't prevent you using a particular approach.

Miles - I just checked in Atom, there is a spline tool (seems to be the 'spline' one form the top of the options in AD).


Alibre Super User
Miles - I just checked in Atom, there is a spline tool (seems to be the 'spline' one form the top of the options in AD).
Thanks David. I guess it should be added to the Mintronics chart....

Sure, it's only essential to have one arc option. If you're going to have more than one, though, the Tangent one can be deceptive. It's easy to forget that no constraint is applied when you use it. Might be better to force people to apply the tangent constraint by using Start End Radius?


Alibre Super User
Except that Start End Radius is a more intuitive way of starting a tangent arc than Centre Start End :)