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Anyone else seeing problems with SetUserData and GetUserData?


Alibre Super User
Anyone else seeing problems with SetUserData and GetUserData? I have had userdata that I know existed in an assembly - that when the assembly was saved and later reopened that userdata no longer exists. IDK if it is a V27 on Windows 7 thing or just a V27 thing? Maybe even earlier versions?


Alibre Super User
Anyone else seeing problems with SetUserData and GetUserData? I have had userdata that I know existed in an assembly - that when the assembly was saved and later reopened that userdata no longer exists. IDK if it is a V27 on Windows 7 thing or just a V27 thing? Maybe even earlier versions?
Have you tried in AlibreX or only AlibreScript? I use these methods in parts but eventually assemblies too.


Alibre Super User
Oh yes those methods are only in AlibreScript I use the advanced API with AlibreX .
I have 1 script, I send data to a cli app as a subprocess that writes the data to a file. I read the data back into Alibre to update the part. The data includes e.g. settings, parameters, topo, sketch, feature info. Right now I only use AlibreScript to export/get/set data that is used in other tools.

I did built-in delays to ensure that Alibre could update and save 1st so my code could run safely in AblireScript.


Alibre Super User
Maybe that's the problem or part of it? Who knows?

I have noticed that some methods seem to return before completed. A practice common with client/server code like Alibre Designs origin. Believe it or not Alibre was a pioneer of browser based CAD.

I wish for and have requested Alibre add functionality to be able to tell Alibre that my script is in the middle of doing something complex so it can prevent autosave or user interruption of the script as I suspect that is a cause in other cases of random trouble.
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