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API - bug?? occurrences.add - and assembly configs


API - bug?? occurrences.add - and assembly configs

I'm trying to programmatically add a part to an assembly.

All is fine if I have a simple assembly (only contains parts) or a "complex" assembly (contains subassemblies. However, if I have a complex assembly with configurations, and I have configurations of subassemblies mapped to various configurations of the top assembly, the following fails....

'set session to first open assembly session
objADSession = objADRoot.Sessions.Item(persistant_as_item)

objADAssemblySession = objADSession

' Get Root Occurrence from Assembly Session
objADRootOccurrence = objADAssemblySession.RootOccurrence()

objADActiveOccurrence = objADAssemblySession.ActiveOccurrence()
MsgBox("activeoccurrence is " & objADActiveOccurrence.Name)

objADOccurrences = objADActiveOccurrence.Occurrences
objADDesignSession = objADSession

--i omitted the details of defining the ptransform----

Call objADOccurrences.Add("C:\\userdef\\dummy.AD_PRT", objADTransformation)

The correct active occurrence is set, but the command to "add" shown above fails.

Any ideas?
