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.ARB file migration?


I came across three xx-xx-xx Alibre Repository Backup.arb files. (xx-xx-xx is the date). I'd like to recover them and get those part and assembly files back but don't know where those files have gone to. Have the repository vaults been decommissioned? It's been a while! I tried using RepoMigrationTool.exe but that doesn't deal with .arb files, only the old part files.


Staff member
I suggest you contact support - not sure if anyone else will be able to give much assistance.

Looks as if the Repo migration tool has either had options removed, or is sensitive to the version of GD/Alibre installed. Just tried running it and it only mentions Windows folders, not Alibre repositories (several years back I did use the then Repo migration tool to transfer repositories to M-Files).