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Architect CAD recomendations (off topic)


Senior Member
I am looking for a 2D/3D architect CAD software will produce professional residential architect quality drawing for the building department/construction. I need to draw my house floor plan with elevation and add an addition to it. I have demo several arch CAD packages and have been disappointed. Maybe I am spoiled by Alibre mech CAD ease of use, but the arch CAD programs I have tested are way cumbersome. I am hoping for insight in a arch CAD program that is intuitive and affordable. I hope Alibre makes a arch CAD plug-in, after they revamp the 2D drawing portion of the application of course. If you know of any arch CAD programs you can recommend, I would be very interested.


Staff member
I've seen several architects use the Pro version of Sketchup - though I'm not sure if they use that for the whole project, or if they detail using a different package.


Alibre Super User
Why not use Alibre, Jeff? Seems a waste of time learning a new software for a one off project....


Senior Member
I have tried the free version of Sketch-up and found it to be quite awkward to use, and precise drawing was not possible. Maybe it is me.
Alibre does not include any arch symbols (elect, plumb, cable, etc) or standard objects, such as windows, door or walls. This would be very time consuming and the 2D portion would be awkward.
I have tried DataCAD ($295) and the V11LT is pro arch package, but is not intuitive and have many forget-me-nots to master.
I am test driving TurboCAD now and it is a contender.

From what I have seen, there is not a intuitive Alibre style CAD program for architecture in the >$500 or even $1K range.
When Alibre upgrades their 2D package, I hope they include a arch plug-in like ACAD.



Have you considered one of the intellicad versions? The software is as powerful as autocad but costs $300-$400. As a user of autocad, but unwilling to pay the high price of upkeep, I will most likely get one of the versions (perhaps progecad, it seems to be the closest command set to autocad) bricsys is another.