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Assembly Boolean is not creating a .SAT file it seems to need to process

I'm using an Assembly Boolean to create a mold cavity in Alibre V25. When I am done selecting the Blanks and Tools, then hit OK, a messasge window opens saying:

Could not find file 'C:\Users\ddoerschuk\AppData\Local\Temp\Assembly_Boolean_(2).SAT'.

When I looked in the directory shown above, there were no .SAT files at all. I've shut down and restarted Alibre Design, but the problem remains unchanged.

I did a global search of C: for the file Assembly_Boolean_(2).SAT, but no instances were found.

Can someone help me sort this out?

Thank you!


Alibre Super User
Hello Dave,

from where in your process do you get the filename?
Alibre has a file selector for the boolean tool which only allows:
During the standard workflow Alibre won't output a *.SAT file except you choose export after finishing your part...

May you take a look at this VIDEO (it's old, but...)
or the HELP

Hello Stefan,

Thank you very much for your excellent answer! I changed over from using the Assembly Boolean Tool to the Part Boolean Tool, and the Part Boolean Tool worked perfectly.

I will open a ticket on the Assembly Boolean Tool; it definitely used to work - I have used it before.

Thank you again for your answer, I was stuck!

Best regards,