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Atom capabilities


Alibre Super User
Thanks a lot for checking David. You might suggest to Mintronics that they update their comparison list...



Staff member
Miles - since Atom3D only has ONE of the options for splines, the comparison list you refer to is not wrong. Atom does not have the 'additional spline types'. The list matches what is on the main Alibre.com comparison page - I think the intent was not to 'over-claim' for Atom3D.

With a complex product like 3D CAD, it's difficult to produce a comprehensive comparison list that doesn't become enormous. I frequently have to launch the software to check finer detail as some items are not explicitly mentioned in the comparison and the availability of some has changed over time.


Staff member
Perhaps more accurately I should have said that the comparison there is intended to point out the additional capabilities of Pro/Expert over Atom3D.


Alibre Super User
Also, could I check that Atom can import an image into 2D Workspace? Thanks! Just advising a potential customer with specific needs.


Staff member
Keeping a fully detailed list updated and accurate is not a trivial task (as that list shows - some other lines are out of date vs the most recent tweaks to Atom).

Comparison charts should be a first pass to identify which product level - or maybe to narrow things down to a choice of 2. Then either ask specific questions or take a product trial to check the fine detail. Your reseller, or Alibre Support should be able to assist with detail queries.

Yes insert image is supported in 2D drawings in Atom3D

Atom 2D image insert.jpg

Though not their main purpose, the training videos for Atom3D show the available icons on the Ribbons (though some of them are slightly outdated now).