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Australia Fire


Alibre Super User
Hello albie0803;
So much fire in Australia. I hope you and your family are safe and well. Phew, you might need ships to get people off the beach in time.


Alibre Super User
Happy know navy ships thanks to landing craft are saving many people especially children and the elderly. Go forward Australians!
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Alibre Super User
Thanks GIOV, I was actually down near the top end of the big fires reported lately visiting relatives but we weren't in an danger. We had road closures in the area and didn't get to see everyone we wanted to but we are now back home in Brisbane safe and sound.

The sky went quite dark one afternoon from smoke and it was raining ash but no blowing embers where we were. The burnt out area is now larger than Belgium


Hello fellow fire nation inhabitant.

Glad to hear you're safe. Hope the relies are doing ok.


Alibre Super User
It is good that you are well, hopefully also your relatives who could not visit because of the road block. Be careful and constantly spray your homes with water because flying ashes can cause new fires.
Thanks GIOV, I was actually down near the top end of the big fires reported lately visiting relatives but we weren't in an danger. We had road closures in the area and didn't get to see everyone we wanted to but we are now back home in Brisbane safe and sound.

The sky went quite dark one afternoon from smoke and it was raining ash but no blowing embers where we were. The burnt out area is now larger than Belgium
Hi albie0803. I'm glad to know that you've returned home safely and I hope that your relatives are well, as Ydl said.Take good care of yourselves and permanently spray your homes with water because flying ashes can cause new fires.I was a volunteer firefighter in my University days.