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Bunkspeed Shot


Senior Member
I'm curious, is anyone using Bunkspeed's Shot? or has everyone pretty well decided that Keyshot is the way to go?

If this is the case, can you explain why? I'm sort of lagging behind in the rendering dept. I was using Hypershot, and then the big shakeup came about. Since then I have been busy building a new shop and have had little time to actually draw and render. With winter fast coming on, and my shop pretty well finished up to the point where I can start using it, I would like to start drawing up some projects and then rendering them, but I am at a loss as to which direction to go. Bunkspeed was good enough to re-up my license and I am beginning to get the lay of the land, but it appears most have gone with Keyshot,, understandable in a way as the download page has Keyshot,, but as I say,,,, I'm curious.

Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?



Alibre Super User
Well, I couldn't get the new 'Shot' to run on my modest machine.
There appears to be very little activity on the user forum these days.... :?


Senior Member
Thank you Jeff,

After reading more extensively in the forum, I see that Alibre has pretty well decided to run with Keyshot. It is, as you mention less demanding hardware wise. I've downloaded Keyshot 2.xxx whatever it is, and am giving it a test run.

Thanks for your time
