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C-Channel Hole Question


Senior Member
C-Channel Hole Question

I put a file in the binaries section (after a bunch of tries!), but here is my problem/question:

Attached is the part I am having trouble with. It is a C channel (the solid I downloaded via the parts manager.

I extruded a couple of holes in in a C-channel and then tried to mate the channel with an other part mating the hole - concentric with another part's hole. I get an error when I do this.

BTW, the genesis if the C-channel is a solid model from the parts library.

When I analyze the hole, it looks OK, but if I try, for example, to put an axis on the hole, it fails.

My question is - what's wrong with the hole that would cause it not to allow a concentric mate?



Senior Member

Hey John,

I did what you suggested and it worked like a champ!

But I did have to redo a bunch of mates that went hay-wire due the angle being constructed differently....

I have been using solid modelers for a long time too - since 1989 with UG mostly, then Solidworks and now with Alibre. I have never had such a situation! I don't think I'd have figured this one out - but I won't forget this trick!

Thanks again!