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.CAD to .DWG or DXF?

.CAD to .DWG or DXF?

I was wondering, does anyone know a file converter or any program that can take my .cad files from my boss's old computer that ran Drafix QuickCad software and convert them to something usable by Alibre. His computer crashed and can't find the disks to QuickCad, and all he has is 3.5" back-ups. I tried searching the web with no luck, can anyone help?



I don't know that they will help with this file extension - but in the past I have used "ACME CAD Converter" and a program I believe was called "Universal CAD Converter". If memory serves, they were both time-limited, but 15 days should be long enough to convert the files over.

Hope that helps.


I downloaded both of those and still no luck, thank you anyways! :D If there was even a website that I could download Drafix QuickCad, that would help also!


Alibre Super User

Best I can tell it almost looks like Autocad may have bought the quickcad out sometime back.

http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps ... ID=9243018

They stopped support several years ago

http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/it ... id=4459596

Here is one step to convert. From what I read you should be able to change the .cad to .skd then open and save again.

This then brings the file to the newer versions of autosketch. The convertor is found here.

http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps ... ID=9240817

After translating the files then you should be able to open with this and save to autocad:

http://estore.autodesk.com/dr/v2/ec_Mai ... CACHE_ID=0