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Can I keep my repository function?


Senior Member
I have Alibre Expert and I am content with the repository and see no compelling reason to migrate to a vault. Can I upgrade to V11 and retain use of my repository and not migrate to vault? I like the repository and do not have time to learn vault.

Jeff in Florida


Senior Member
If you migrate the repository to the vault, it creates a project for each repos folder, so you can still go about it the same way. You just select the file directly from windows (M-files shows itself as a mapped drive in file explorer). I don't think V11 allows access to the repository at all.


Senior Member
Now that I have read the instructions and started to use the vault, I find that I see the Vault as a real improvement, at least for my implementation.
The file manipulation and structure is just like Windows, the fact that the folders are "virtual" reduces the possibility of duplicate named files hiding in multiple folders.
Once you get used to navigating in the Vault I bet you become a believer.

I had some transfer issues but they were easily overcome.
Make sure you have a good backup and I found that doing a migration from the respository to a Windows file system gave me an easy way to fix any migration problems that I encountered mograting from Repository to Vault.
yeah i was liked the repository because of its simplicity, but now that i am getting use to the vault i like it. sometimes it seems like it adds a step or two but the control you have i amazing.