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carving an assembly


i have a design that is somewhat of a lattice structure and id like to carve it as a single object. how do i carve a cube into the shape of an egg?


Thanks Nate! amazingly I haven't ever used many of the tools in Alibre. I picked it up originally to generate dxf files for a laser engraver.
I found a youtube video with a basic overview of the revolve cut tool.
It may take me a little while to get this to do what I want. lol I need to learn some more basics.


Alibre Super User
It's likely you'd want to spend some time with the training material on Alibre's web site. Here's the landing page for training of all the Alibre offerings. Pick the one that best fits your application.


Thanks Harold. funny thing, I'm not well off but I've had Alibre design expert since 2008. paid maintenance for at least half of that time. I have been through much of the tutorial material however as you recommended, I focused on relevant info. Thanks for answering what appear to be low level questions.