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I'm gonna be real honest here . . . I just came really close to licking my computer screen. Want. Want want want want want. Want.
Yes, it is potentially really neat (says the guy who regularly has to delete Section Views, recreate and limit them).. But gaining access and control of data buried in File Properties->General->Paert Data (etc.) is of much greater immediate use to me!


Alibre Super User
Good, now we're getting into SolidWorks territory, It looks good in the model workspace but can the section views be used on a drawing?


Alibre Super User
Looks amazing. Still hoping for 'shaded with no tangent edges' though. Far as I know that isn't included (yet?).


Staff member
It looks good in the model workspace but can the section views be used on a drawing?

Those realtime ones cannot be, yet. But I could see pulling realtime sectioning right into 2D drawings later. They can't be saved, and you can't make arbitrarily oriented planes. All things to come later.
I had forgotten the workaround until I looked for the post. Like Lew, I like the new stuff but really desire to see the long term bugs squashed and noticeable shortcomings addressed.
Whereas I do not disagree with Albie, my thought places more emphasis on "polishing" and "documenting" Features, Relationships, and Actions. Why, after most of a decade Hole Preset Systems ("Values" as a better term) not more well defined in the Documenmtation and the CSV for it located with the other CSV files? [Just to cite one example.]