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Cloud vendors secretly scramble...


Alibre Super User

"How can this security hole be abused?

At best, the vulnerability could be leveraged by malware and hackers to more easily exploit other security bugs.

At worst, the hole could be abused by programs and logged-in users to read the contents of the kernel's memory. Suffice to say, this is not great. The kernel's memory space is hidden from user processes and programs because it may contain all sorts of secrets, such as passwords, login keys, files cached from disk, and so on. Imagine a piece of JavaScript running in a browser, or malicious software running on a shared public cloud server, able to sniff sensitive kernel-protected data."
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Alibre Super User
The last Intel CPU that I ever used in any of my own computers was the 486. Only AMD since then. Hope AMD doesn't have any hidden


Alibre Super User
Using AMD here too.

But this reserved memory thing tickles a memory of a similar issue in the Windows OS from a while back as well. All you can do is keep patches updated and information as far from online as you can.