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Cosmetic threads


Senior Member
Cosmetic threads

My insert cosmetic thread command does not appear to work, I do not get a check mark and the drawing view does not change.



You won't get a check mark (I haven't ever gotten one). There are a couple of other reasons that you may not see a cosmetic thread:
Cosmetic threads only appear if you created a hole using the hole command with a thread type.
If you set the hole Source to Major you won't see any change on the drawing (the cosmetic threads will appear under the object lines).



Hi all,
Does anyone know how to make an external cosmetic thread, like for a bolt or threaded rod?




I sketch an equilateral triangle along the outside surface of the bolt or rod where the threads need to be with the base along the surface and the other 2 sides pointing toward the center. Repeat the pattern as many times as needed, then do a revolve cut with the axis of rotation being the axis of the bolt or rod. The dimensions you use need to be chosen to approximate the pitch of the threads you're trying to emulate.

I only use the view for reference, usually in an isometric. As you say, its for cosmetic purposes



Senior Member
Cosmetic Threads - with an assembly

jhatfield said:
I sketch an equilateral triangle along the outside surface of the bolt or rod where the threads need to
be with the base along the surface and the other 2 sides pointing toward the center. Repeat the
pattern as many times as needed, then do a revolve cut with the axis of rotation being the axis of the
bolt or rod.
I have done that on a sample or two! Also - I think - an old square-cut Acme type thread would work - if you wanted to use some constraint in an assembly - to place a 'representative nut' at some point! Robert


Alibre Super User

I'm currently waiting for a response from Alibre to extend my trial as it expired just 13 days after I installed it. Seems the 30 days runs from the download rather than the install date...
I think Alibre is the way we will go.
Anyway - I am not interested in displaying threads in my 3D models (thats a good way to make assemblies slow right down!) - but I do want them displayed correctly in my drawings according to correct engineering practice. Ie lines drawn to represent the minor diameter of the thread and section hatch lines to stop in the right place.
I'm expecting that Alibre does this and picks up the thread type selected and applied to the model so that it is easily annotated on the drawing (M8x1, 40-40 UNC etc etc).
Can I conclude from this post that it works for threaded holes but not for external threads?
Is some kind of workround is needed to make external threads appear correctly in 2D drawings?
- I guess this is the first thing to check out when I am up and running again!
