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Custom drawing templates


I am using Alibre Atom3D. Is there a way to customize drawing templates and also a script to insert standard data ?


Not sure why you would need a script - there are user entered fields already available. Use Labels for data that never changes. See this article

possibly also some of the others in the Mechanical Drawings section of knowledgebase https://support.alibre.com/support/solutions/folders/27000051520
Thanks for responding DavidJ. However the information you sent me all relates to Alibre Design - I made a point of noting in my post that I am using Alibre Atom3D and the many of the features described in creating custom 2D drawing templates do not appear to be available.


Staff member
Sorry about that - I didn't flip into Atom Mode to check. Do the provided templates work OK for you? If so, an option might be to persuade an Alibre Design users to modify a template to suit.

Scripting isn't currently available in Atom either.


Senior Member
Isn't the help system online now?

I just ran my help and it specifically says, "Help for Alibre Design and Alibre Atom3D." I'd suggest doing a help search on "Creating a Custom Template" and see what turns up. If you see a result (there is one for Expert) then just try it out and see what happens. It may work.



Thanks for the suggestions. None of them work in Atom3D. I 'solved' the problem by starting with a blank drawing and sketching the format I wanted. I also entered generic text (x's and y's) in the fields I wanted to populate. I then saved the drawing with a generic name. To make a drawing of a particular model, I open the the generic drawing and insert the views, dimensions etc. that I want. I also edit the generic text in the populated fields to suit the model. When I do a 'save as' Atom3D warns me whether I want to overwrite the generic drawing. At that point I rename the generic drawing to suit the model that was inserted. Sounds complicated but it works quite well. It is a good idea to put a copy of the generic drawing in another directory, in case you forget and overwrite it.