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DA API Bugs: IADSketchFigures.AddBspline


New Member
DA API Bugs: IADSketchFigures.AddBspline

Documentation shows prototype of AddBspline function as:

Function AddBspline(ByVal order As Integer, ByVal numCtlPoints As Integer, ByRef pCtlPoints() As Double, ByRef pKnotVector() As Double, ByRef pWeights() As Double) As IADSketchBspline

But a COM browser shows the last three parameters as being "DISPATCH" type parameters rather than array references.

How does one use this function? I have tried passing pointers to double arrays, pointers to doubles, C reference parameters, Variant parameters, and pretty much all I get back is an HRESULT error indicating that I am not passing the correct parameters....


New Member

Reviewing the documentation (and samples) for IADSketchBspline.GetBsplineData, it appears that the only spline support is for control-node based spline entry.

Is there any way to enter points in the "Interpolated Points" mode the way the user interfaces permits? Or to retrieve the spline points in "Interpolated Points" mode?

In the user interface, if one selects the option for modifying control points and selects a spline, the control points are shown. If one selects the option for modifying interpolation points and selects a spline, the interpolation points are shown, so it is obvious that Alibre either keeps both sets of points or freely converts back and forth between them (while probably keeping one set unmodified.)

Is this available anywhere in the API. I have read the entire set of documentation from beginning to end and haven't seen anything jump out at me....