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Delete buttons


Senior Member
Hello to all,
when using the measure tool it would be very useful to have a delete button that allows you to clear your selections faster than the current double pass. As it is today it is very useful for making measurements in which the same reference point remains fixed but when you have to take many general measurements it becomes cumbersome and above all not very fast. Thanks for anyone who wants to consider this proposal!
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Alibre Super User
Clicking whitespace is not always available. I used to use ESC to de-select/reset constraint modes, i.e. when selecting groups of 2 items to constrain to each other like coincident, etc, but then found that didn't work as reliably as clicking on whitespace.

I agree, in simple parts, this is a really quick way to 'reset' things.

However, as I've recently found, you don't always have whitespace to click on, especially on complexly detailed assemblies where you want to measure, i.e ...


It would be nice to also have/define a hotkey that does the same as clicking in whitespace. Using ESC on the measure tool totally dismisses the dialog.

Possible Enhancement: Maybe a single ESC press clears any current measurements and an ESC press with no current measurement closes the dialog.

P.S. Anyone else noticed that the cube has some spurious rendered lines when you zoom in?


Senior Member
As always thanks for the solutions! There are always many ways to solve small problems and it's nice to know them through the experience of those who have made millions of clicks before me!


Alibre Super User
Checking this further it looks like Ctrl+M acts as a toggle to turn the Measure tool On and Off.


Alibre Super User
Not only is whitespace not always available, but clicking in it does not always clear the selections. It sometimes takes me 4 or 5 clicks to get it to clear, exceeding the two needed to "clear all".


Senior Member
If I can make one observation it is that these practices like CTRL + M or clicking out of the part are known to forum users but in the online help under the Measure tab there is no trace. It is these little things that do not do justice to anyone who has thought about these things and worked to make them work in a certain way, especially as Alibre being a product made primarily for small businesses, access to this should be given the simpler and faster as possible to this type of information. Alibre got me started in Python, basic programming, understanding what the basis of a CAD program is and many beautiful things like discovering a thousand "tricks" to get to do what you want to do. Well, when you ask why Win is preferred over Linux, it's because most people boot their computers to more easily solve complex problems and don't tackle more complex ones in areas that may not be their own. profession (like an unrecognized mouse driver). And just a rant to say that even a Ferrari is useless if it is not clearly explained at least in the official manuals where to insert the key)
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Senior Member
Ralf I knew the shortcut but I didn't think it could be used as a quick reset of the function .... the general consideration was referring to this thing
Regards Francesco


Alibre Super User
Also, any directional key will toggle between Linear and Angular measurements.
I think I slightly misremembered this. It only works if there are no selections in the geometry window of the Measurement Tool. Obviously, it would be much more useful if it worked after you made your selection.......


Right clicking in the list window in the measuring tool popup brings up a menu with "clear all" and "remove selected items".
It's very handy for when there is no whitespace visible, or you have derp selected the wrong thingamabob.