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Dell M60 Graphics Settings?


Dell M60 Graphics Settings?

Is anyone out there using a Dell Precison M60 Workstation? It seems as if Alibre only works if ALL settings are turned to a minimum. Does anyone else experience this?

Joe Caulfield
BASE729, Inc.


Alibre Super User

I have a somewhat similar problem on a Dell XPS Gen 2 desktop PC with AT Radeo 9800 XT video card. Some of the fonts in Windows XP are screwed up if the system is run with anywhere near maximum hardware acceleration in the video driver. Alibre generates pixellated screens at some window sizes unless it's run with Drect3D support off and software emulation on.

It's been suggested that the problem on my system is due to my screen res, which is 1600x1200 but I won't give that up. What screen res are you running at?




I'm running at 1920 x 1200. Don't want to give that up either. I use my laptop 90% of the time with an 18" LCD screen. I tried running on the laptop itself and it worked fine. I'm starting to think it's an issue with my laptop-monitor combination.



I am running an M60 using a Quadro Go 1000 for acceleration at 1920x1200 no problem. I have also run it dual from the lcd and a 19" crt with no problems, except a few quirks with how Alibre handles dual screens.

Do you have the latest driver for your card?