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Design Explorer view


Senior Member
When opening a part or assembly, the Design Explorer begins with Constraints at the top of the window. Configuration, Axes, Planes, Points and Exploded Views are out of initial view.

So many times I begin to edit and later realize I overlooked to set Configurations. I think the Design Explorer should open with a view of the window top and Configurations is in initial view.

Also, collapse the Constraint list on open and have the header "Constraint" change to red, if there is a constraint fault in the list. Then the individual faulted constraint should change color (red?) to become more apparent. The italicize fault is easy to miss.


Jeff in Florida


Alibre Super User
Uman - I turned this in twice as a suggestion, 9/2005 and 5/2007, and haven't seen anything yet.
I'll tell you the thing that bugs me about the bad constraints though. If you have a bad constraint it's italicized and looks a little different but if you hover your mouse over it the font changes to regular-bold. But even the valid constraints are regular-bold when you hover over them. So when I try to delete a bad constraint, I have to take extra care that I have the right one.