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Dimensioning grips


Senior Member
I am trying to create drawings of some imported step files. When attempting to create dimensions, sometimes helpful orange point grips will appear, but most times they don't. Is there a way to force their appearance? Also, are there any keyboard, or snap functions that will allow for selecting an endpoint, midpoint, tangent or center?


Alibre Super User
Drawings from imported files is iffy. AD may or may not recognize the features correctly. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Depends on how it was designed, what it was designed and export/import settings. Where ever possible I try to recreate the file in AD. Not always an option but it sure makes downline ops easier.


Senior Member
Yeah, these are customer models, so I can't just create AD files, as much as I'd like to. I can often get away with "manage edge" to create hole centers, or "Activate Sketch in View" to create needed points, but it can be a struggle.