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Drawing View Rotation


Senior Member
Is there a way to rotate a drawing view, i.e. 90 degrees? Am I looking right at the button to do it?



Alibre Super User
What button are you looking at?o_O

You can't rotate a view after it is created, you need to set the rotation/orientation of the Front view before you place it on the drawing using the buttons circled in the image below. Does that help?


Senior Member
The button I'm looking at doesn't exist, or at least I couldn't find it. This would be a nice enhancement - it's been around (button click) in SW for years. It's been a while since I've used Alibre and assumed that functionality was there or I was missing it.. ;)

Yea - my work around was to re-load the view again with the rotation I needed.



Alibre Super User
Yeah, SolidWorks lets you RMB on a view and select to rotate a view. It then warns you that it will change all the projected views as you rotate the one in question. That functionality is not in Alibre Design. You have to plan ahead to make sure your views are set up correctly when you create the drawing.