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Error saving .stp file?


Alibre Super User
I've been trying to save this .stp assembly for a couple days now, with no luck. I've saved this file before, successfully when I was using V25, but for some reason V26 isn't able to do it.

Anyone seen this error before:


Alibre Super User
I tried it on my desktop PC and it worked fine. The desktop is also running V26.

I noticed that on the desktop, I get a prompt with some import options when I open the .stp file. On my laptop, I don't get that prompt. Anyone know why?


Alibre Super User
I noticed that on the desktop, I get a prompt with some import options when I open the .stp file. On my laptop, I don't get that prompt. Anyone know why?

Found here:
Change defaults in System Options
  1. Open the Home Window's Utilities tab.
  2. Click System Options.
  3. Find the Interoperability node on the left and click the General subnode.
  4. Choose the desired default options.
  5. Enable Show Options When Importing if you previously disabled it and want the Import File Options dialog to show again.
  6. Press OK.