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Extrude to surface


Extrude to surface

Does anyone know how to extrude to an imported surface. One of the new features listed for V8 is to be able to extrude to surface.

Sketches projected from a surface evidently donot have the same properties as sketches projected from a solid.




Follow up:

I was hoping that extrude to surface meant that you could extrude to a compound shape and the extusion would conform to that shape. Evidently it is still the same extrude to a surface to terminate the extrude.

The project from sketch on a surface created a sketch that was open. I used the analyze the sketch to heal the open loops and then was able to extrude the sketch normally. The tech did not know why the sketch would differ from the same part brought in as a solid.



Alibre Super User

I've been in that situation a few times when dealing with imported surfaces.

To add to your post, on ocassions, even after healing, the sketch will not extrude. When this happens, I have had to project as reference and then remake the sketch drawing over the projected reference.

I have never reported this because I assumed it to be errors during the import process that generated not well defined geometry.