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Face Mask design


Senior Member
Our Coronavirusmaker community in Spain has received a request from hospitals to get into designing and producing some face masks. I found many designs that would provide a good starting point, but cannot usefully import them in Alibre to modify them from there.
I usually design from scratch, so I am not really familiar with procedures to use STEP files for a base of design.
How would you use an existing design in form of STEP as a base for your modifications?

Another question.. Obviously the mask has to follow the general face contours of a human being. For a from scratch design, I thought about using a human scull design file and start off by doing Boolean operations to get a general adaptation to anatomy. Would that a reasonable method, or are there better ways to do that.

Last but not least, anybody has a good working design that seals well and accomodates big filters like this one?

Thanks everybody