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Fastener library without threads?


New Member
Fastener library without threads?

I usually import my fasteners from McMaster Carr's site since I buy there anyway (usually in .SAT, no luck with the other choices). With larger drawings, Alibre slows down to a halt.

I'm wondering if anyone has done a design configuration of a fastener library with or without threads.... Standard sizes of HHCS, SHCS, LHCS, BHCS, nuts, washers, etc.. I could do all this but I figure'd I'd ask first. I'm certain it will speed my models up if they were drawn native to Alibre rather than imported.

To think of it, it would make a nice API plugin as well.


Senior Member

The Alibre library (Cadalog) gives you the choice of no threads or simple threads (straight lines). Albire's version is faster to use because it automatically imports the fastener into a separate model drawing. Cadalog is free althought you must then take the steps do download and then import it.