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Few bugs, few features, or just darn good programming


Alibre Super User
Few bugs, few features, or just darn good programming

Well, v8 should be out at the end of summer, July the last rumor I heard.

That means that v7 will have only 2 service packs for its entire release. I don't know about you, but I'm familiar with other CAD packages that have bug fixes a mile long in each monthly service pack they issue. Sometimes more than monthly since I get 12-14 SPs during a 10 month release cycle.

Why is that? Is Alibre that short of features that there isn't room for bugs to multiply? Or, does Alibre just have some incredible programmers? Maybe it is their testing and QA system?

Who knows for sure. All I know is that I like not having to deal with installing SPs every month and wondering what is going to break next. I also like not having to fight a frequent upgrade process that is not reverse compatible with previous releases. And go through a learning curve to utilize "cost saving" new features when I was finally getting accustomed to the workflow and stability of service pack 10.

In short, thanks Alibre Team. Keep up the good work. I look forward to v8 (not the energy packed tomato juice).


Alibre Super User

I'll second that praise. I don't really stress the program at all, but as a beginner it is nice to focus on learning features and technique rather than on dealing with crashes and bugs.



Alibre Super User

I will third that praise. Alibre has come a long way since I first started using it with V5. Even then there were never more than 2SPs. I am just excited about where Alibre will be in a year or two. I don’t think it will be that long before Alibre is compared side by side with SolidEdge, Solidworks and the others.