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from the git go file management

David Mahan
license key
<previously offending license key>

I need some training on file managment. I've really never understood the protocol involved. That fact is now causing me problems in my assembly development! Can someone simply point me toward resources that deal with how to save files so that they end up accessible the next time you open, Just good practices!
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Staff member
David Mahan
license key
a key

My guy, please. Don't post your license key. On a public forum. This license key will be removed from the system and you will be sent a new one. If yours stops working, that's why, and check your email. Please have more consideration in the future. If you need help reinstalling, consider asking support. No one should ever need your license key for any reason but you.
I get it! thanks!!!

I need to know how to shut of the grid in my drawing space. I've got half an hour looking for that manuever that I should remember how to do but I don't!! I'd appreciate you at least putting me on the trail head? I've got V24 on windows 10 pro. I'm guessing there is more you want to know. I'll catch that in the AM


Alibre Super User
In the 2d drawing workspace, while in sketch mode, look in the sketch options on the RH end of the ribbon.


You can also control the grid from System Options:


You can do the same for the grid in Part Sketch from System Options or the ribbon.