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Geomagic Design™ Expert 2013 crashes


Senior Member
I changed nothing and now the program "geo" magically crashes after I save any file. Is this 3DS doing their best to give me the bird for not renewing my license?

Geomagic V2013 was, IMO, a mistaken release. Although some here dispute it, I removed it within minutes of installing it (falling back to V2012) and was very happy when it was replaced very quickly with V2014.

To be clear, Alibre was Vxx from V1 through V12. It then changed to V2012 -- apparently to avoid having a V13 release. Thus, V2012 = V13, V2013 = V14, and V2014 = V15 -- and V16 would, in that sequencing, be V2015. There will be some confusion here, but I believe that the Vxx designation is really much cleaner as versions should not (IMO) be tied to calendar years!

I have only just now installed (Geomagic Design) V16. I was in the middle of a project using V2014 (V15) and could not risk any hiccups. I have yet to find a problem with it, but this is a statement made after less than 2 hours of install testing. Reports here are mostly positive other than the furor over the change in license server changes. I would highly recommend making the upgrade as V2013 was, as I said, a release that should never have been allowed to see the light of day.


Staff member
Lew - it was v2011 that 'avoided v13'

v2012 was v14

v2013 AND v2014 were v15

and we now have v16


Alibre Super User
Bottom line: get rid of 2013 ASAP.

But, just so its been asked, were any Windows updates installed at that time?


Senior Member
Alas, I cannot get rid of 2013. I let my license expire because of shoddy treatment I was receiving from 3DS. I vowed to never buy another 3DS product again (after having purchased several different ones) so I guess I am now stuck with something that no longer works thanks to some kind of change by 3DS. I guess that they got the last word...

Oh well, SolidWorks is so much better it isn't funny. Although I paid for this stuff out of my own pocket for personal use (for which Alibre was "just right"), now given the options I'd rather pay DS prices to deal with a company that gives a darn about its users. I guess AD now goes on the trash heap of "things that once were great".


Staff member
Well if you have rights to v2013 you almost certainly have rights to v2014 as they share the same major version number. Check you downloads page on the old Alibre wed site.

I recently had a repeatable 'crash on saving' from GMD - with me it was when selecting a new windows directory to save to. Re-boots didn't fix it. BUT after a full shut down - wait - restart it had fixed itself, and has been OK since. Weird - was it Geomagic caused, was it Windows caused, was it something else??? no idea.


Alibre Super User
Here is what I have theorized but have no firm proof of currently. Anti-virus software and windows own search engine opens and reads files for their checks. While doing so the files are locked or otherwise in use by the system. This has been a known issue with other software and a possible cause here.

Try turning off windows search engine and see if the trouble stops. Then try your anti-virus software (may be a good ideal to disable internet and no emails during that time).

My bet is windows search engine as it has been known to cause these issues. However if discovered then GM could fix their saving routine to work around this problem.