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IDX (incremental Design Exchange) file format..?

Has anyone come across the IDX (incremental Design Exchange) file format and knows how it might be imported into Alibre?

It is supposed to facilitate collaboration between electronic and mechanical designers but i'd not heard of it before today.
Jeff -- In the world I grew up in the Name of a CAD file was: "Drawing Number," "Drawing Description," Drawing Change Notice," "Advance Drawing Change Notice," and "Date." Thus, a "Drawing Number" would be something like "19D00100-104." The "Drawing Description" would be something like "Retainer Thingamabob for "Gonkulator," "Drawing Change Notice" would range from "New" through "A to Z," "AA to ZZ" (etc), and "Advance Drawing Change Notice" would span from "New-1" through "ZZ-799," and "Date" as a "long integer" (such as today being 20190926). My problem is that there is no simple way to generate such a (if you will) "naming progression" within Alibre. -- Lew