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Importing library


Good afternoon all. Hope I'm not bothering with so many questions. I promise this isn't about threads again, I think I have that down pat now that I understand the math behind it.

I'm looking into the library section and I'm wondering if there's a alibre library. So far I've been downloading parts from traceparts and mcmaster and using them as practice templates. Does alibre have a library I need to import or is there a place i need to download? I was watching a video on Youtube and this gentleman's library had thousands of parts in it


Staff member
Do you mean the 'Library' tab on the Ribbon ? Alibre design ships with a library of ISO fasteners that you can import. It can be found in
"C:\ProgramData\Alibre Design\Part Generator\Fasteners (ISO).AD_LIB"

The main idea of the Library is that you develop your own entries, though you can of course share with others.

McMatser Carr & Traceparts are totally different to the 'Library' - they are separate files for each item, whereas the 'Library' uses 'intelligent' rule sets to generate parts dynamically based on limited user input.


Do you mean the 'Library' tab on the Ribbon ? Alibre design ships with a library of ISO fasteners that you can import. It can be found in
"C:\ProgramData\Alibre Design\Part Generator\Fasteners (ISO).AD_LIB"

The main idea of the Library is that you develop your own entries, though you can of course share with others.

McMatser Carr & Traceparts are totally different to the 'Library' - they are separate files for each item, whereas the 'Library' uses 'intelligent' rule sets to generate parts dynamically based on limited user input.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Nothing was showing up for me so I assumed I didnt have anything. I didn't know I had to import the library after I installed alibre. Thanks so much for this.

Yes I have a few parts I added my self to the library but I was mainly looking for fasteners and I didnt want to model every one


Staff member
Be aware that the import can take several minutes - DO NOT interrupt it. Just be patient.


Alibre Super User
Do you mean the 'Library' tab on the Ribbon ? Alibre design ships with a library of ISO fasteners that you can import. It can be found in
"C:\ProgramData\Alibre Design\Part Generator\Fasteners (ISO).AD_LIB"
Do you know if there are plans for a Unified fastener library? It seems unfinished without that.


Staff member
I do not know. My guess is that the ISO library was done to show what the Library is capable of, rather than as part of any grand plan on fasteners.


Alibre Super User
Hmm, maybe a small selection of both would have been nice, sort of a starting point for both that we could add to. Since I hardly ever use ISO fasteners I'd have to import the entire library to see how the parts are created and the library is set up in order to create one for Unified fasteners.


Staff member
Harold, you can select during import which items from the Library are brought in. No need to pull in the entire Library content. This is all detailed in Help.