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Is Alibre Blog Broken ??

kev h

Senior Member

Just wondering if there has been any entries on the Blog recently as its nearly July and last i have is March.

(Or did the last one just not go down very well :) )

Cheers Kev :cool:


Alibre Super User
Paul is not a very big blogger. The blog started with Greg and kind of died after Greg left. Paul comes up with some interesting topics from time to time, but usually it is a just a reformat of a press release.

I'm still waiting for a user to start up a good Alibre blog.


Alibre Super User
P.S. With all the social media on fire with PLM World event going on, I remembered that I recently asked Max if Alibre had an official twitter handle. They don't. In general, Alibre hasn't caught on to this whole social media thing and the power behind it. Hopefully that changes in the not-too-distant-future.


Senior Member
You need to expend resources to Tweet;-) and there needs to be a business case and some tangible return to engage the social zoo. Perhaps the folks at Alibre have allocated their time and money to more value added pursuits. Just a thought.

kev h

Senior Member
I ve not got in to tweeting but thought that the blog once a month ( or every other month ) was interesting to keep up to date .

Cheers Kev :cool:


Alibre Super User
You guys are thinking like old-school engineers.

Where do you think the youth are hanging out? Our future engineers & designers are using twitter and facebook. I'm not a friend of facebook, I don't have an account. I use LinkedIn as a glorified address book. But that doesn't mean a business should not have a presence in Facebook or LinkedIn in order to reach out to future customers.

Twitter. I'm no celebrity and I purposefully only follow a few people and block a lot of random people that chose to follow me. But I get more industry news from twitter - immediately as it is happening - than I do from other sources. Twitter is like a news ticker for me. And, I happen to have developed some great online connections (similar to connections/friendships I have made with the members of this online community) which have helped me advance my: tasks, projects, career, and personal life. But, I also fell into the trap of wasting a lot of time with twitter - it caused too much of a distraction during the day. I have since developed better habits and that is no longer the case.

I don't want to peer pressure anybody into it, but this "social media" thing isn't going to go away with web 3.0. Either you change and adapt or you get left behind. There is business value in these areas, but you have to be cautious to not get trapped.


Actually there is an Alibre Group on Linkedin and it has been a little active that last couple of days.

I also use twitter primarily as a news feed. As a contractor it is great to get up to date feeds from the news papers at home.



Staff member
You need to expend resources to Tweet;-) and there needs to be a business case and some tangible return to engage the social zoo. Perhaps the folks at Alibre have allocated their time and money to more value added pursuits. Just a thought.

Spot on.

Other huge companies have cushy job positions like "director of social media" or "twitter tzar" or nonsense like that. Ah, the life of luxury. We prefer to let other people tweet about us.


Alibre Super User
Max said:
Other huge companies have cushy job positions like "director of social media" or "twitter tzar" or nonsense like that. Ah, the life of luxury. We prefer to let other people tweet about us.
Somewhere, in the back of my mind, is a snarky yet eloquently tactful joke regarding this comment. I just haven't found it yet. But when I do.....