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ISO 1302 and waviness


Hi all,
For some benighted reason I find myself needing to specify waviness. Alibre's version of the surface roughness symbol won't let me put it in. I think ISO 1302:2002 should allow it? Which version of ISO1302 is Alibre implementing? This is the sort of thing I think I want...
For some benighted reason I find myself needing to specify waviness. Alibre's version of the surface roughness symbol won't let me put it in. I think ISO 1302:2002 should allow it? Which version of ISO1302 is Alibre implementing? This is the sort of thing I think I want...
I suspect that the "issue" is that, In the United States, such things were controlled by ASME B46.1 (until we eliminate all "standards" -- a task we have been engaged with since 1986). -- Lew

(Edit to change 1956 error to 1986)
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I suspect that the "issue" is that, In the United States, such things were controlled by ASME B46.1 (until we eliminate all "standards" -- a task we have been engaged with since 1956). -- Lew

Agreed, but there's an ISO 1302 button, and I'm in the UK, which generally follows ISO, when we follow anything. So I press the ISO 1302 button and it doesn't quite do what I expect...


Staff member
Not sure : perhaps the 1992 version of ISO 1302. The wording in that (Figure 6, note c) is a bit strange and could have been interpreted as suggesting that Waviness value should be omitted, even though paragraph 6.2.5 & figure 11 cover showing waviness.

I suspect a mistake was made interpreting ISO 1302:1992.

The 2002 version is quite different, though like a lot of ISO standard in this area isn't very 'readable' on its own (lots of cross references to other standards). I've checked latest BS 8888:2020 - unusually it doesn't help much on this issue.

I'll highlight to the necessary people to have this reviewed.


Thanks David. Must admit, the plethora of cross-references in ISO makes me lean towards using ASME - buying all the ISO standards gets very expensive!
I worked out a way to get it to output what I wanted - luckily all the entry boxes in the surface roughness dialogue are text, so it was just a case of working out which box was in the right place, and writing War and Peace in the little box ;)


Staff member
In most areas of drawing practice BS 8888 is the one to go for - it is a guide to the ISO standards covering product documentation. Though it does give the relevant ISO standard numbers, it is much more of a standalone document (albeit a big one !) . It's usually much easier to digest a section of that, than the separate ISO standards. In this case though it's a bit of a 'techno-babble' topic ( I certainly don't follow it at first reading ).

Check you local Library service for free on-line access to BSI standards. That's great if you just need to check something, or refer occasionally. Lack of funding has forced some Library services to drop their subscriptions to the BSI service, and others have tightened the criteria for joining. I had to switch Library provider a while back, but now have access again from my office.
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Our local library used to have a great scheme where you could look the the BSI standards online - and certain browsers behaved in ways that, shall we say, I don't think they really expected ;). Now you have to physically go to the library - shame.


Staff member
The ability of some browsers to allow downloads of the documents was addressed a few years ago.