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Layers Question


Senior Member
Layers Question

Can someone help me to understand why Alibre gives you the option to create layers and have different colors assigned to different layers but the objects created or moved to that layer colors don't change.


Senior Member
LayersQuestion (Answer from Alibre Support)

Are talking about the layers in the part modeler? There can only be one color for the part. I believe the layer colors are there as a place holder for a future release.
If you are talking about the layers in the drawings, then you will have to go to File > Properties > Layers. You can then change the color of the lines made on that layer.


Alibre Super User

I am talking about layers in the Assembly environment. I tried it again today and it seemed to work fine. Go figure.



I tried this layers function in v8 and it still does not seem to work. What I'd like to do is have different color surfaces in a part. For example I would have a substrate extrusion which is gray and a very thin PCB trace which is yellow. I can do this by putting together an assembly but it is more time consuming. Any way to go about this?
