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Locating parts in an assembly?


Senior Member
Just a general type of question. I have an assembly consisting of several parts: A, B, C, D,........etc. All the individual parts have all the geometry necessary to create the part including maybe some extra reference geometry that might be required later. When I try to insert part G on to a point that is a reference point from part C, it doesn't go there, but instead goes to the original assembly origin point? Is that the way its supposed to work or am I doing something wrong?

If it doesn't work that way then what's the point of having the reference geometry?



Alibre Super User
When you insert parts into and assembly only the default planes, axes and Origin of the assembly are visible. If you want to constraint part G to part C then you need to RMB on both parts and Show Reference Geometry for them from the pop up menu. You can then apply constraints between parts G and C. When you're done applying constraints then RMB on them again to turn off their reference geometry.


Senior Member
Thanks for your response, but I think you kind of missed my original point. When I bring a new part into an assembly it either goes on the original assembly start point or somewhere out in space. If I have the Ref Geom already shown on another part, why won't Alibre allow me to place the new part on that Ref Point right off the bat?


Alibre Super User
I now see what you mean, I just tried with a small assembly to place a part at the origin of a part located away from the assembly origin. I was able to highlight the origin of part A as I placed part B but as soon as I LMB clicked to place part B it snapped to the assembly origin.

I think that is something that Support should take a look at to see if it is planned behavior or some kind of bug in Alibre.

I never noticed it before because I don't try to locate new items to the origin of parts already in the assembly while inserting them. Most of the time I just drop the part in the assembly workspace then "show" the reference geometry of the all the parts and start applying constraints. Sometimes I will see items that could be in a sub assembly so I delete them from the assembly I am working on then create the sub and insert that.