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Logo sketch


Senior Member
I need to add a customer's logo to a model and repeat this for each customer to represent a laser etch of the logo on the model. I have the customer's logo in JPG format and have free sketched the logo in detail for the model. This method is quite time consuming and final product is not always precise. With a larger volume of customers, this is not practical.

Is there an application or technique that would streamline this process?

Jeff in Florida


Alibre Super User
You could try Zsurf. It creates a heightfield of bitmaps and exports these as iges. I'm not saying this will work for all logos but you could for example create a heightfield with an exaggerated height, say, 2mm and just trim it at 1mm with a plane. This'll give you a sharp edge which you can then 'project to sketch'.


Get a good font creator program:


Convert the logo into a true type font and then do everything as a text string! Essentially you are creating a font that maps a key (say a "A") to a custom glyph (your customer's logo). For example, in my wavenumber company font, the "W" k makes my company logo in any program that supports true type font (which is just about everything).

I do this with my PCB artwork as well as alibre. It is the best way I have found.


Staff member
"free sketching" takes a lot of time an measuring if you are eyeballing it. New drawing -> insert image -> logo

Right click white space -> activate sketch on sheet

Trace logo w sketch tools

Copy sketch figures -> go to 3d model -> enter sketch mode -> Ctrl+t -> paste stamper. Click to place

If that's not good enough google "bitmap to vector" or "image to vector" and you will see lots of apps that do this with varying degrees of fidelity. They would likely output dwg/dxf files which you would import into AD, copy figures from 2d drawing, and paste into 3d model.