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make WYSIWYG annotation optional


Senior Member
make WYSIWYG annotation optional

I am in the process of converting our AutoCAD drawing templates into Alibre files. Unfortunately, some of the text came in screwy, and I'm having to edit it manually. This text is rather small, which normally wouldn't be a problem, however Alibre shows all annotations WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), meaning that my small font size is pretty much invisible in the annotation editing dialogue box.

So, how about this: make WYSIWYG a checkbox for annotation editing. WHen off, it defaults to a regular size font in the dialogue so you can actually see what you're editing. When on, it will actually show you what you're going to get (at least when you're zoomed 1:1).


Alibre Super User

I will third this one. I have always had problems importing my old Autocad drawings in to Alibre. Usaully the text is so large that Alibre defaults to feet as the import units. They should be inch.