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Memory Leak - Windows Task Manager Screenshots


Others have also noted this memory problem. As I work on complex assemblies for hours at a time, Alibre's runtime memory footprint grows and grows until the available memory is consumed and Windows starts swapping out (things) to its swap file... and system performance just slows to a crawl.

This week I noticed this slowdown again and dug in a little deeper. I have a complex assembly that I used for this experiment. I loaded the assembly, waited for it to load and render, then immediately closed that assembly but left Alibre running. I opened and reopened the assemble a total of five times and watched the Alibre runtime footprint grow and grow. So unless Alibre is using a delayed memory sweep and release algorithm, there is a memory leak.

See attached screenshots for the memory footprint growth.

1st assembly load... I launched Alibre and let the home screen render. Then I loaded the complex assembly. After that assemble was rendered, I checked the Windows task manager and the Alibre memory footprint was 920MB. That's normal for this particular assembly. Not sure what all those Alibre background processes are for. I see them occasionally after a lot (hours) of Alibre design work, but not always.

4th assembly load ... I loaded the assembly three more times, closing the assembly between reloads. Alibre was left running between reloads. The screenshot above is after the 4th load of the assembly. You can see the runtime memory increased from 920MB to 1,752MB.

5th assembly load... This is the runtime memory footprint after the 5th reload. I probably rotated the assembly around a bit on the display but nothing else. The runtime memory footprint increased to 1,823MB. Windows starts to slow at this point for me, given my 8gig total system memory.

Alibre shut down... After the 5th load of the assembly, I closed Alibre and the assembly. Memory was released. Those pesky Alibre background tasks are still running. The only way to get rid of them is to use "End Task" in the task manager.


Senior Member
I can tell when AD is leaking MEM and might crash/close, and though having pretty nice system, (5950x with 32gb ram nvidia 2060 super, NVME SSD), I watch task manager and check and if part/asm started with under 1gb and then AD starts to go past 1.5gb-2.5gb it will slow down a lot, and normally I scramble to save and close it exit AD completely and open again. Been this way for a long time, it has a lot to do with sketches IMO

In situations like that, I also will close the ASM and just open that part and work only on it, a little bit faster working that way then having to edit the part in separate window, since it all is linked to the asm with all the constraints and what not, going broken when editing etc...


Alibre Super User
That's good, but I would go to the performance tab, and then open the "Resource Monitor". That gives a better display of memory (select memory tab), and is also more apt to be believed by programmers.


New Member
Fair enough- I've also opened the resource monitor after closing the large model and Alibre and waiting about 5 mins to see if the service would end. I needed to go back to task manager to get the RAM released: upload_2021-8-3_8-13-27.png
Interesting Thread, I had big problems with a large building Assm I was working on. I spent hours trying to work out why my assemblies would grind to a snails pace.
Hours of inspection revealed that my habit of using guide sketch's that were unconstrainted was obviously causing major issues in my computer speed.

So if you have any unconstrained sketch's in any parts within your assm then it somehow creates a go-slow ín the Assembly.

My help