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Midplane Surface


Senior Member
Midplane Surface

Seeing as though Alibre can now create solids from surfaces, I would much like to see the option of making surfaces from thin wall solids.

ie. Make a midplane surface from thinwall solid features.

This would be used as import into Algor (or any other FEA package) which could then be meshed using shell or plate elements.

At the moment Algor offer a midplane meshing too, which creates a midplane mesh from a solid model, which is (so far) not very useful for anything other than the most simple features.

But the main reason for asking Alibre to offer it, is because ALL of the competition already offer it, and creating shell element models from thin wall structure models s is IMPERITIVE in my business, of structural analysis of ship structures.


Alibre Super User

Oh yeah, that'd be nice. Be sure to log this one with the AA or the Alibre Support sight as well.